
Haiti suspends Oxfam operations

Oxfam, a charitable organization found and based in the United Kingdom, is currently under fire as a sexual misconduct scandal surfaced on multinational news outlets. A top executive of the international charity, resigned on February 12th 2018, as the British government is considering to de-fund the humanitarian group as accusations keep flooding in. The root […]

Read More Haiti suspends Oxfam operations

Is Oxfam’s plan practical?

Oxfam’s presence in the media has put a negative spotlight on to other large charities, as cases of sexual misconduct have been flooding into the Charity Commission. The range of these safeguarding concerns reach to the level of child sex abuse, which is an appalling statement for these charities’ “values”. Currently, 7,000 people have cancelled […]

Read More Is Oxfam’s plan practical?

The Response

The case against Oxfam built up rapidly, as the backlash from the public, politicians and their own “Global Ambassadors” had damaged the organization’s image permanently. Ever since their written plan was released, polls have demonstrated that the public still largely distrusts the charitable organization, and the same opinion was common among officials within the British […]

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Oxfam’s Promise

With the tremendously long length of time for which these multiple sex scandals were covered for, it was essential for Oxfam to address their issues in order to prevent from sinking their image even further. In the heated peak of these sexual misconduct allegations in February of 2018, Oxfam released an elaborate statement of how […]

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Oxfam: The facts

  The Oxford Committee for Famine Relief was initially formed in 1942, by a group of intellectuals, social activists and Oxford academics in response to the plight of refugees in Greece. The expansion of duties within the small organization began after World War II, as they continued to ship materials and provide financial aid to the […]

Read More Oxfam: The facts